The Asian School

The 24th Annual Athletic Meet, 2023

The 24rd Inter House Annual Athletic Meet 2023 of The Asian School, Dehradun was inaugurated by the Principal Mrs. Ruchi Pradhan Datta, on 3rd November 2023 at 3:00 pm in the Woods with zeal and fervor.

The Principal declared the meet open and hoisted the School Flag. This was followed by an impressive March Past led by the Sports Captain Ms.Tanisha Aggarwal, The oath was taken by all the participants in the glory of sport, abiding by the rules in the true spirit of sportsmanship.

It was a tribute to everything distinctively Asianite. It showcased the determination that propels every student to be the best he/she can be with an ability to rise to the occasion, inspired to soar high in the sky. The opening March Past was led by the Sports Captain Ms. Tanisha Aggarwal followed by The White House Contingent consisting of  Vice Head Boy Master Dheriya Khatri, Vice Head Girl Ms. Naaysa Thakkar ,Co-Curricular Activities Captain Master Devansh Dwivedi and Ms. Lakshya Malhotra, Literary Secretaries -Master Divyansh Nagra and Ms. Varnika Singh and the Mess Secretaries-Master Krish Sharma and Ms. Drishti Katariya. Second in line the four houses marched in contingents 

The flag of the Arjun House was held by Master Achyut Airan and Ms. Aditi Shukla, Ashoka House was led by Master Perth Bolon Manta and Ms. Gaurika Madan. The flag bearers of Ranjit House were Master Tana Dopum and Ms. Nabam Senia and the flag of Shivaji House was held aloft by Master. Kunwar Jaishankar Pratap Singh and Ms. Mamung Lego.

The added attraction of the sports meet was the school’s own student march-past band ,Ied by Head Girl Dishita Pandey and trained by Band Master Retd. ACP Naib Subedar Rajesh Negi, The school band marched in tandem with the house contingents to the tune of ‘fanfare’ and ‘Kadam Kadam Badaye Ja’. The rhythm and the marching left the spectators enthralled. It was an event full of colour and gaiety.

On the first day a number of track events were held which witnessed active participation by the students of each house. In the finals of the 800-meter run (Open, girls), Vanya Sirohi of Ranjit House bagged the 1st position. In 4×100 mts relay final (Boys) under 12, Shivaji House Bagged 1st Position. In 4x 100 mts Relay Finals (Girls) under 12.Ashoka House won the first position. 

The occasion was attended by Vice-President Mr.Madanjeet Singh, Director Mr. Gaganjyot Juneja and Mrs. Vartika Sah Juneja, Head Senior School, Mr. Mukesh Nangia, Head Mistress Ms. Prachi Mehrotra , Deputy Head Junior School, Ms. Surbhi Narula, HOD Sports Retd. Subedar. Sanjay Kumar Rana APTC, the staff and the students of The Asian School. This Athletic Meet will conclude on 7th November 2023 and will witness the finals of over 30 track and field events in various categories.

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