The Asian School

Indian Classic Dance

  • Embracing Indian Classic Dance as an Activity in Our School

At our school, we believe in providing our students with a well-rounded education that encompasses not just academic learning but also the development of creative and practical skills. One of the ways in which we achieve this is by integrating Indian Classic Dance as an enriching activity for our students.

  • The Importance of Indian Classic Dance

Indian Classic Dance is not just a cultural art form but also a holistic practice that nurtures creativity, discipline, and physical fitness. By learning Indian Classic Dance, students can develop a greater appreciation for India’s rich cultural heritage and also improve their coordination, balance, and flexibility.

  • Tabla as a Subject for Class XI and XII

In addition to Indian Classic Dance, we also offer Tabla as a subject for students in class XI and XII. Tabla is a traditional Indian percussion instrument that requires skill, precision, and practice to master. By learning Tabla, students can enhance their musical abilities and develop a deeper understanding of rhythm and melody.

  • Fostering Creativity and Practical Skills

Integrating Indian Classic Dance and Tabla into our school curriculum is a deliberate effort to foster creativity and practical skills among our students. Through these activities, students can explore their artistic talents, express themselves through movement and music, and develop a sense of discipline and focus.

  • Benefits of Indian Classic Dance and Tabla
  1. There are numerous benefits to incorporating Indian Classic Dance and Tabla into our school activities. These include:
  2. Improved focus and concentration
  3. Enhanced physical fitness and coordination
  4. Boosted creativity and self-expression
  5. Greater cultural awareness and appreciation
  6. Opportunities for performance and collaboration
  • How Students Can Benefit

By participating in Indian Classic Dance and Tabla as school activities, students can enhance their overall well-being and personal development. They can learn to appreciate the beauty of Indian classical arts, develop a sense of rhythm and musicality, and hone their artistic talents in a supportive and encouraging environment.

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