The Asian School is one of the best day-cum boarding schools in India. This boarding school provides secular, English-medium, and co-educational education from Nursery to XII. If you want to know the admission procedure for 11th Class then here we provide you with complete guidance.
The Asian School offers outstanding facilities to children who travel from all across India in order to receive the best education possible. This day boarding school in Dehradun delivers a safe and supportive atmosphere for students.
There is no better place for children to learn about nature and become environmentally conscious. The school is situated in a 16-acre area in a peaceful and lush setting.
One of the school’s significant assets is its faculty. In comparison to the other best boarding schools in Dehradun, the Asian School boasts exceptional faculty. This boarding school is regarded as the most prestigious center of world-class education for academic success, physical fitness, psychological and spiritual well-being, and social awareness.
The school is dedicated to assisting students in advancing into the 21st century as autonomous thinkers with attributes of initiative and leadership that will enable them to become global citizens.
Encourage kids to develop strong ethical ideals while also exposing them to a modern, technologically advanced setting. As a result, our rich legacy will be preserved, and human potential will be developed for the betterment of society.
The school will be completely secular, with no preference for one religion over another and equal exposure to and respect for all faiths. It will work to instill in its students an understanding and respect for the rights and duties that come with being a member of society, as well as environmental consciousness as citizens of a threatened world.
Candidates who are provided admission must accept the offer within 30 days of the School making it; otherwise, the admission offer will expire.
Candidates will receive Admission Documents, be assigned an admission number, and be put on the School rolls upon complete payment of admission dues and submission of the documents. Under no circumstances can admission fees be refunded once have been paid.
Admission To 11th Class

Those looking for admission of 11th Class should be aware that, unlike most other institutions, the Asia School offers subject options at this phase. At this level, entrance exam papers are subject-specific.
Admission Procedure For 11th Class

Candidates for the 11th Class who are given admission must accept the provide within the stipulated time by delivering the required admission dues, as described in the current year’s Fee structure and returning the Indemnity Agreement (on Judicial Stamp Paper), the Uniform Measurement Chart, and the Student’s Medical History form, all of which must be signed, or the offer of admission will expire.
In this instance, the school will be able to offer the seat to another candidate in the order of merit/waiting list position.
Candidates will be provided a set of Admission Papers, assigned an entrance number, and put on the School rolls following complete payment of the admission dues and submission of all required documents.
Candidates shall be bound by all of the School’s rules and regulations once accepted. Under no circumstances can admission fees be refunded once they have been paid.
Procedure Of Selection For Admission

1. Registrations Process
At the Principal’s preference, a newspaper ad stating that seats are available may be published three to four months before the academic year begins. Forthcoming parents are welcome to come to the institute on any working day and register their kid for admission into a specific class in a certain year at any time after the child’s birth.
Candidates requesting registration on the required registration form will be assigned a no-refund registration fee, which will be decided and inspected occasionally by the Board of Governors. The mere act of registering does not guarantee admission, which is contingent on testing, interview, and adherence to the conditions set forth herein.
All candidates must register via the above-mentioned methods, and just registered candidates will be regarded for admission.
2. Admission Process
All candidates will be informed as to the dates for the Entrance Test and Interview after completing the registration process. The assessments will be administered in four written papers, including English, Mathematics, Hindi, and General Knowledge, and will be based on the School’s syllabi’s minimum growth levels necessary at the end of the preceding class.
The purpose of the interview will be to determine whether the parental end of opinion aligns with that of the School, as well as to interpret students’ subject scores in terms of their aptitude, potential, innate intelligence, personality, aesthetics, sporting capabilities, and creative capabilities, and any other capabilities considered noteworthy by the Admissions Committee.
The registration will lapse if you fail to appear for the admission test/interview without a valid reason. The candidate’s registration will be regarded as void and null in this scenario, and the registration fee will be refunded.
In such circumstances, the Admission Committee will be the final authority, and in genuine cases, it may conduct another examination at its discretion.
The Admissions Committee shall compile the results entirely on merit and subject to the conditions set forth above, after which seats will be delivered to the applicant in charge of merit. The Asian School is a top-ranked school in Dehradun, India, delivering high-quality education.
The Admission Committee will be given the authority to reject any student’s application without giving any reason. Parents must carefully study the Admission Documents, and those elements explaining the School’s Rules and Regulations must be retained and kept for their own records.
When the child is given over to the Visitors List, Housemaster/Housemistress, Travel Instruction, Medical Certificate, Clothing List, and Personal Data form must all be returned to the school office.
Important Information For Admissions Schools:
- Terms:- Each year, there are two school terms: January to June and July to December. A child who joins or leaves during the term must pay the entire term’s fees.
- Late Fees:- Fees must be paid in full by the 7th of January and the 7th of July each year. Those who receive their fees late will be charged a late fee of 2% per month. If the fee is not paid on time, the child’s name may be struck from the rolls at the Principal’s discretion.
- Withdrawals:- Parents who withdraw their children during the term will not be entitled to tuition reimbursement. Parents who wish to withdraw their child from school for the next term must notify the Principal in writing at least 60 days prior to the start of the next term. The security deposit will be reimbursed if this does not happen.
- Disputes:– Any dispute or claim of any kind must be resolved by the Dehradun Courts.