
How to Make a Study Timetable

When it comes to the academic success of students, learning time management is a must. Proper management of time helps students to improve how they study.

For many students, the study is a phenomenon which is plagued with interruptions, mental distractions, procrastination & lack of free time. This affects their grades negatively & thus becomes a source of anxiety & stress, which comes unnecessarily to them. To avoid this, creating a study schedule with proper time management is a must to reduce the level of stress to an extent.

A study timetable is an inexpensive tool that comes handy as it helps you get control over your study time. It gives you a perspective of what tasks you need to accomplish on time.

If you want to become organized, feel motivated & encouraged to get your work done to the best of your potential, try to make a perfect timetable for students.

Here are some methods of how to make a study timetable. Hope, you’ll find these & try to mould them into your own style as suitable for you.

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1. Find out your Learning Style


Never follow any other’s schedule as all people have different things to do. It is a well-known fact that everybody in this world is born different with different body structures, grasping or catching power, different creative minds and of course different learning styles. So, first of all, it becomes necessary to find out which learning style suits you the best.

Some people are morning learners, while others are night owls. Adjust & make time for your studies according to you.

2. Balance your Free Time


Manage your time equally by dividing it for studies as well as for recreational activities too. Spending out some time for physical activities in addition to studies is also of great importance for the overall development of students.

Don’t waste your free time chatting with friends, hanging out ideally or spending time in social media, as every single minute is precious. Instead, utilize it to your studies.

3. Check out your Progress


After a few weeks or a month, check how much you’ve progressed & reward yourself too. If the study timetable you’ve created doesn’t bring suitable results, try to change timings.

4. Schedule Time for Breaks


Short breaks are also that much necessary for us in the way taking out time to study is essential.

We are a human, not a robot that can work non-stop endlessly for long hours. We, too, need breaks to perform better in what we do. Researches of many experts tell that one should work for 45 minutes & then take 15 minutes to avoid any discrepancy.

Also, remember that everyone’s ability & capacity is different, so try to find out what works best on you.

5. Stick to your Schedule


Sticking to a study schedule is as important as creating it. No one makes a time table intending to ignore it. But sometimes, such situations might happen when we have to give up our studies for a day or for a few hours just because of some urgent work.

Many students are often seen confused about how to make a study time table & stick to it.

For this reason, it’s crucial to ensure that there should be enough time for some social & physical activities in addition to studies. This extra time must be included in daily study timetable for students.

Another way to stick to your study schedule is to reward yourself for successfully & consistently.

Let us take an example of a Daily routine timetable for students:

5:00 AM: Try to make a good habit of waking up early in the morning.

5:00 AM – 5: 20 AM: Finish up all utilities of freshening up yourself.

5:20 AM – 5:40 AM: Go to the terrace & take long breaths as fresh oxygen rejuvanated our Mind. In the meantime, you can also do some kind of exercises, yoga & meditation to keep yourself fresh & active the whole day long.

5:40 AM – 6:00 AM: Revise everything that you have studied the last night before.

6:00 AM – 6:15 AM: Take a shower in cold water as it helps you keep fresh & active throughout the day. You’ll not feel sleepy if you take a bath every day before getting on to your studies.

6:30 AM – 7:00 AM: Have a healthy breakfast & get ready for the school.

Till 2:30 PM or 3:00 PM we hope that you all may return home back.

3:00 PM – 3: 30 PM: Eat lunch.

3:30 PM – 4: 30 PM: Go for a short nap.

4:30 PM – 6: 00 PM: Tuition (if anyone of you goes).

6:00 PM – 7: 00 PM: Go to play outside or do some physical activity.

7:15 PM – 9: 00 PM: Study Maths.

9:00 PM – 9: 30 PM: Get a light dinner.

9:30 PM – 10: 30 PM: Revise or learn what you got as HW from the school.

10:30 PM – 11: 00 PM: Revise all the topics of the day at a glance.

11:00 PM: Go to sleep.

We hope this timetable will help you with your studies & you’ll find this as productive & effective. If you find any difficulty in creating your own study timetable, you can take help from this, or you can mould it according to your personal suitability.  

About the author

I am a highly passionate, motivated, and devoted educator and want all children to become successful learners. Enacted in creating a classroom ambiance that is stimulating and encouraging to students. I am a professional educator with diverse experience and a strong track record encouraging child-centered curriculum and student creativity.

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