Sending your child away from home to study can be quite intimidating for both students and parents. The parents and child might contemplate various things while getting into the transition of going to a boarding school can be challenging. The parents ought to be concerned about the child’s overall development. On the other hand, there is a high chance that the child might feel homesick once they move to the boarding school.
So, to make this easier, for both parents and children, we have come up with the most efficient tips and tricks for you. Giving your child the push that they need is everything. The boarding school is like an ocean of immense opportunities for them to dive into and come out as a changed person.
The Asian school is renowned as one of the best boarding schools in India and it is just the right place when it comes to giving children the experience that they deserve.
How To Brace Yourself As A Parent?

As a parent, it is apparent that second thoughts about sending your child to boarding school in India can cross your mind. As a parent, you must be having mixed feelings. So, we have compiled a list of a few tips that might help you get over the fear of sending your child away. And if you are a parent that is sending their child for the first time, this will surely benefit you a lot.
Take A Look At The Tips Below:
- Choosing the right school
If you want your children to thrive better in the future and stand out from other kids their age then choose the right kind of boarding schools in India. The most crucial part of the process is to select the right kind of school.
- Have faith in the school
One of the major things that you can do to keep away your blues is to have trust in the school that you are sending your ward to. It is a concern of utmost importance to keep in mind that your ward is in a safe space. At Asian School, we understand that sending your child away to boarding school can be a great deal but trust the schools when it comes to children because we care for them as much as you do.
- Keep in touch
As a parent, you can keep in touch with the child as well as the boarding school. The fact that your child is just one call away is something that should relieve you. This can help you to get updated by your child timely. Keeping contact with the school can be beneficial for you to gather the child’s performance.
You can arrange a video conferencing call with your family every week to stay more connected. But keep in mind that giving your child ample personal time is also important. Since for them, they are also trying to settle in a new place.
- Providing a care package
We understand how important it is as a parent to take care of them. Sending them a package of things that comprises their favourites can help you feel at ease as this way the child would feel closer to their home. Giving them certain things can help them feel a little closer.
- Look at it as an opportunity for your child.
And at last, think of it as a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Your child will never be in school again. These are the prime years of their lives where they can learn and grow to the fullest. This opportunity will not come back for them. So, sending your child to school can never be a bad decision for you.
Feelings of unsettlement are reasonable. As a parent, concerns about your child’s well-being and performance are justified especially when they are staying away from home. But at Asian School, the kind of environment that we provide makes the students feel that they are living at home away from home.
Sometimes, even children feel intimidated by the idea of studying in a boarding school. Which is quite justifiable. Moving away from home is not easy. So to overcome the fear of students, we have come up with a list of tips that a student must take into consideration while going to a school away from home.
Here Are The Tips For Students:

- Be open-minded
You must be well aware of the fact that you are going to a place that is going to be rich in diversity. Students from all sects of the society will be coming there along with you.
In such circumstances, try to keep your stereotypical thoughts to not pop up. Try t be more open-minded and accepting of people that you come across in the boarding school.
- Make good connections
Connecting with your peers would not only make you comfortable but will also help you gain a lot of friends who will be beneficial for your well-being and personal growth. The boarding schools in India have students connected from all cities in the country. The different cultures, morals, and values they possess would be beneficial for the child as they will learn new things every day
- Be time efficient
At the boarding school, there would be none who would tell you to manage your time wisely. So, you will have to be more mindful of making time for all your activities including studying and eating meals. As a student, you can follow a timetable which can help you manage your time wisely.
- Explore opportunities
At your school, you would be constantly surrounded by ample opportunities. You are always within a geographical boundary where you are missing out on opportunities if you don’t take out the time to seek them. The boarding school has various activities from sports o cultural activities like dancing singing etc. so, choose the one you are most passionate about.
- Enjoy every bit
At6 the end, don’t forget to make the most out of this. The most crucial part about going away from home to study is to have equal proportions of fun and work. The extreme of either of the one can be troublesome. So, enjoy every ounce of it while it stays.
Now, that you know all the tips for tackling the boarding school blues, it’s about time that you roll in with great enthusiasm and be ready to take new flights into the sky of opportunities awaiting you.