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Tips to Find a Good School

Schooling is a basic part of everyone’s early life. Be an adult, teenager or a child, everyone has its roots in education.  Finding the right school for your children that matches their intelligence, art of creativity as well as temperament can effect in his/her overall development in life and produce good results.

A good school has an involved staff working together, pushing themselves & their students to be their best.

What defines a good school?

good school is a place where children learn enough worthwhile things to make a better start in their life, where a good foundation is laid that supports learning in later life and where children develop the desire to learn more.

Here are some tips to choose a good school for your kids. Make sure to consider these factors while choosing the best school to your child in order to provide the most effective education to a child’s specific needs:

1. Academic Performance

school-academic-performanceSome schools offer a wide range of studies than others.  Although vast learning & extracurricular activities are much needed for the overall growth of children, their academic performance is just as important.

A good record of ranks is an indicator of the quality teaching in the Main (Science, English and Mathematics) subjects.

2. School Affiliation

There are many questions which need to be asked while selecting a good school for the bright future of your children.

There are several boards’ curriculum such as CBSE, ICSE, CIE, IGCSE, NIOS, state board, etc. which one of them does the school follows?

Does the school board differ from primary to high school and does it offer more than one curriculum? Till which grade is the school?

3. Core Values of the School

core-values-of-schoolIt is necessary to know what are the core values, mission & vision of the school.  Find out what their goals towards education. Have a talk with the principal to get to know what their approach toward schooling.

Do they believe only in academic excellence or educate children by giving them vast opportunities in other areas too?

4. Extra-Curricular Facilities

Everything is needed for ensuring the overall development of a child. You all may know,” All work & no play makes Jack a dull boy”.

This proverb gives a complete understanding that not only education but also other fields like sports, extra curricular activities are important in students’ life.

5. Well-Maintained Library

well-furnished-school-libraryApart from education, children must have an opportunity to fetch other knowledgeable books. There is a library section in every good school.

Check that is there enough reading stuff for the children? Because a well-maintained library surely attracts children towards reading.

6. Listen to your Heart

The school may pass all the factors. Don’t see what others are doing. For example, if you like some other schools even if it doesn’t look as good on sheets, go for it. Listen to what your heart says as it always speaks you the truth.

The Asian School in Dehradun is the most sought-after schools in India in the beautiful valley of nature.

7. Challenges Ahead

challenges-aheadGet a clear picture in mind, of your child’s weak areas, interests, capacity & abilities. Ensure that the school offer challenging programs or some creative outlets in such areas to help the students reach out to their full potential.

Shortlist some schools that would match your child’s personality traits.

8. Pay a Self-Visit to The School

If you really like the school, pay a self visit. The websites and brochures may give you a good understanding of how the school is, but nothing beats the actual visit. Make an appointment to a normal visit during regular school hours.

If it’s possible, visit a few classes, the library, and the playground to get knowledge of how the school runs.

If they allow, attend a parent-teacher meet, an open house meeting or either a school function which can provide you with valuable information about the attitudes of the parents, staff, and students.

When you find a school that looks like a good fit for your child, it is a good idea to give it a visit to see classrooms, meet faculty and staff.

How faculty and staff behave with students and what the overall learning environment looks like.

9. See Your Pocket (Affordability)

It is of worth saying that great/best schools often come at a higher price. Make sure that you are perfectly able to afford high fees of the school without over-stretching your pocket & not straining your family budget.

Also, you can look up to other relevant schools that have a reasonable fee structure and offer good training, if they are on an average in sports & other activities.

10. Does it Meet Your Child’s Interests?

Believe it or not! This is the main factor which should be considered while picking the right school for your child as it matters a lot.

Your child may be a slow academic learner or has a low catching capacity in sports or anything else. Does the school offer enough support to the students in such cases?

Firstly, make a list for all the nearby schools or which you most admired do your research.

With some good research based on these above-mentioned factors, you can confidently decide on the best school for your child. These may prove to be beneficial as this piece of information can help you in making up your mind while opting for the best school for your child.

We wish you all the very best!

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