Types of Learners

10 Different Types of Learners

All the students have their style of learning that explains how they process information at their best and retain in memory for long. Every person has a combination of learning styles, but most of them have their preferences.

In schools & classrooms, teachers and professors also prepare various lesson plans to reach the information to all types of learners. This process helps teachers in addressing the needs of different students. Today, we’ll know about different types of learners & what learning style does each suit.

What are the different types of Learners?

To every learning style, there is a kind of learner who suits the learning the most. When some learn while listening to songs or musical beats, others love to read silently; some are addicted to reading & writing while others love sitting in big lecture halls, listening to teachers & professors.

Let us know about different types of learners:

1. Kinesthetic Learners

These are the most hands-on learning type of person who loves to learn through tangible ways. They learn best while performing things on their own. When they perform something, they learn the best. Sometimes they even get nervous if they have to study for hours. They can do their best when they participate in different activities & solve things on their own. Sometimes, knitting, hitting a ball or tossing a coin, etc. can do better for them in remembering things even if they are physically engaged in some work. Their minds retain things when they do something on their own.


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2. Read/ Write Learners

These people are incredibly comfortable with written words as they love gaining information by reading text materials. They gain knowledge about the topic by going through various study materials. The old traditional method of learning through course books, revising & repeating the same process works well for this type of learning style.

3. Visual or Spatial Learners

This type of learner gains information when they visualize relationships & ideas. They take ideas from essays, charts, diagrams, maps, pictures & other drawings. Teachers in classrooms, professors in college halls or other educational instructors, illustrate their lectures on board, spatial learners find it easier to absorb & retain the information much better for a longer time.

When it comes to Geometry, Science practical, this learning style becomes the most visual approach of learning for all kids.

4. Auditory Learners

People who learn best when the information is verbally spoken are termed as auditory or oral learners. These people like to listen to lectures & participate in discussions and debates to understand the information. These learners’ process data by conversing through things.

5. Natural Learners

People who can learn in any natural way are called natural learners. In any of the other ways, their minds retain information even if they are sitting in a classroom, listening lectures, watching educational movies, going on field trips, studying alone in a separate room, or while performing group study. These learners capture the data best through experimentation & practical.

6. Linguistic Learners

These learners learn best through different linguistic skills like reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Their best learning methods include reading textbooks, listening audio-video recording or classroom lectures, making self notes & also preferring other study materials. Not only these, but these learners also speak (read loud) about the topic & write extensively about it.

7. Interpersonal Learners

These learners learn while relating the information. They love working in teams, groups, sharing information & comparing ideas to each other. These people are often good leaders as well as team players as they learn best when accompanied by a no. of members. Most probably, these people can be seen in the field of social science or psychology, where things are performed in groups.

8. Intrapersonal Learners

As opposed to the above, intrapersonal learners are those who love to learn alone. These people used to set challenging individual goals, which aren’t possible. Apart from external sources, these people are encouraged by internal forces and can be seen in various fields like small business owners, entrepreneurs, or sometimes in creative fields. They usually like to enter fields or industries that allow them to work alone without any supervision as they don’t like working in teams or groups.

9. Logical/ Mathematical Learners

These learners must classify or categorize things for understanding a topic. These people understand patterns, numbers, equations, and relationships better as compared to other people. These types of learners can often be seen in different fields like science, technical professions, engineering, mathematics, or others.

10. Musical or Rhythmic Learners

This is a kind of learner who uses music melody, rhythm, or beats to learn anything. Some people also think & absorb information better with background noise. For example, this would be like a musician learning how to play music by listening to different musical sounds, rhythms & beats. Music is not a distraction but a means of learning for these types of learners.

What type of learner are you?

Most of the people, as well as students, have to find different ways to adapt to their suitable learning style. Now you have a better idea of types of learners & their learning style. Some subjects will pose a challenge to you, while other topics might seem easy.

Determine which type of learning suits you the best. So, with these different types of learners, discover the type of learner inside you.

Also read, What Is Remote Learning

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